The above illustration was found in the September 3, 1925 edition of the Itawamba County News. The county was gearing up for the fair to be held later that month, and entries were being solicited for items in various categories, including Best Ten Ears of Corn, Best Cotton Exhibit, Best Cornmeal Muffins, Best Jar of Peaches, Best Brood Sow and Litter of any Breed, Best Jersey Cow, etc. This is probably what prompted the above cartoon labeled "Ma's Nightmare."
In addition to the prize exhibits, there was to be a demonstration of tractor plowing. Remember that most farmers were still using mules for plowing in 1925, and tractors were an unaffordable novelty for most of Itawamba's farmer. A tractor demonstration was sure to draw a big crowd.
The article that accompanied the illustration said "We are an agricultural people and are proud of our county. Why not make it better."
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