The next photograph was taken about the same time. There apparently was an event held on the courthouse grounds, and I would bet it was a reunion of Confederate soldiers. This was a popular event held throughout the South during the early 1900s, usually at a county's courthouse. I've provided a couple of closeups of the scene. The men in this picture appear to be posing for the photograph in their nice suits and hats.
Both photographs were found at the Itawamba County Historical Society's library in Mantachie. You never know what treasures might be found there!

may have turned out for a public hanging....that was a popular public event back in those days ...
If you click on the first two photos depicting the old courthouse in the background to enlarge them, you can see a bunch of horses/mules in the foreground - either being ridden or "just standing there".
I offer two suggestions: it could have been "voting day" since these men appear to be wearing winter overcoats - suggestive of a cold day in November! Or, could it be a mule trading day? Just suggestions! There are some weird stories about when the "man/head of household" died, the property such as household goods would be sold to the highest bidder, leaving the poor widow to have to bid on the property accumulated with her late husband implying that the widow was nothing more than "part of the estate". bettye
I'm thinking that if this is in the early 1900's that these men look too young to be Confederate veterans. I vote for Election Day picture.
I believe that the two Anonymouses (Anonymi?) are correct - the men do appear to be too young to be Confederate veterans. Election day more likely! Appreciate the comments.
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