John Ed Warren, Sallie Holcomb Warren holding Eugene
Daughters Bertha and Eva
Sons Arlander, Melvin and David
Another son, Edgar, died as a young boy
Daughters Bertha and Eva
Sons Arlander, Melvin and David
Another son, Edgar, died as a young boy
John Ed Warren married Sarah A. "Sallie" Holcomb, daughter of David G. Holcomb and Penelope Bottoms on March 15, 1887. The couple's marriage bond and license are on record at the Itawamba County courthouse, and I was surprised to see that James M. Dulaney was on the marriage bond. James M. Dulaney was not a contemporary of John Ed Warren's nor was there a family relationship between the two men. I wonder if perhaps James was sort of a surrogate father to John Ed, whose own father died in a Union prison camp in 1864 when his son was only three years old. The Dulaney and Warren families were officially united in 1912 when John Ed and Sallie's daughter, Bertha, married Jim Dulaney, the grandson of James M. Dulaney and the son of Thomas Aron Dulaney and Alice C. Moxley.
Marriage Bond
Itawamba County, Mississippi
John Ed Warren & James Dulany, are held and firmly bound, in the sum of $100. The condition of this Obligation is such, that, whereas, a marriage is shortly intended to be celebrated between the above bound John E. Warren and Miss Sallie Holcomb. Now, if there be no lawful cause to obstruct the said Marriage, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full.
March 14, 1887
John E Warren
J. M. Dulany
Before me, J. M. Walker, Clerk of Circuit Court, this day personally appears John E Warren and made oath that John E. Warren and Miss Sallie Holcomb have arrived at the statutory age for the contraction of marriage, to-wit: 21 years and 18 years respectively, and further, that there exists no legal cause or objection to the marriage of the said John E Warren and Miss Sallie Holcomb. March 14, 1887
J. M. Walker, Circuit Clerk
John E. Warren
To any Judge, Minister, Justice, or other person Lawfully authorized to Celebrate the Rites of Matrimony: You are hereby Licensed to Celebrate the Rites of Matrimony between Mr. John Ed Warren and Miss Sallie Holcomb and for so doing this shall be your warrant. Given under my hand and official seal, this 14th day of March in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and 87. J. M. Walker, Clerk
In Virtue of a License from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County of Itawamba, I have this day celebrated the Rites of Matrimony between Mr. John Ed Warren and Miss Sallie Holcomb. Given under my hand and seal, this 15th day of March, 1887. B. F. Casey, M.G. Recorded this 5th day of Sept, 1887. J. M. Walker, Clerk
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