February 26, 1925
Fulton Telephone Co. to Connect with Cumberland
Sometime during December, the exchange of the Stantonville Telephone Company at Tupelo was completely destroyed by fire, causing complete loss of switchboard and all apparatus connected with the exchange. Since then the people of the Fulton territory have been unable to get very much service in Tupelo.
For some time a deal had been pending between the Stantonville Co. and the Cumberland Tel. Co. whereby the Cumberland people were to purchase and take over all property of the Stantonville Co., at Aberdeen, Amory, Tupelo, Booneville, Corinth and other points and operate only one exchange at these places instead of two as has been the case. Of course, this will be the Cumberland exchange.
The fire at Tupelo has hastened this deal for the Tupelo exchange and the Stantonville people will cease to operate their exchange there sometimes during the month of March.
The Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company are installing a large and modern switchboard and we are advised that when it is completed the Tupelo exchange will be the finest and most complete in the state.
Elsewhere in this issue will be found Mr. Fain's letter to the subscribers of the Fulton Telephone Co. and to all others who have occasion to use the telephone. After March 1st, charges will be made for all calls through the Tupelo exchange. This is nothing new at other places for all out-of-town calls are charged extra to the subscribers.
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