Wonder where these young men are headed, all dressed up? Or maybe they are already there? Looks like there is a wagon and a buggy in the background, perhaps more? Could be a church gathering? Or a wedding? James M. "Jim" Dulaney is pictured to the left, and the other young fellow is Elvis Tucker. Rudolph Robinson helped Don Dulaney identify the men in the photo. Are you ready for the connection? Jim Dulaney was the son of Thomas "Bunt" Dulaney, and Jim's brother Woodrow married Jettie Tucker, sister of Elvis. Oh, and Elvis and Jettie's mother was Alsie Bell Dulaney, granddaughter of Alfred Dulaney and Rachel McNiece. Bunt was descended from Alfred Dulaney's brother, John, so he and Alsie Bell were cousins of sorts. Let's throw a Hood connection in there for fun. Jettie's great-grandfather was Joshua Harrison Hood, Sr. I can throw in some Senters and Moxleys too, but I think I've gone far enough already. Is Itawamba County the only place where, when you are introduced to a stranger, they ask "now who was your granddaddy"?
How common was the name Elvis in Itawamba County, could Elvis Tucker be the missing father of Jesse Dee Presley (i'm not sure how the dates line up) OR maybe there is another type of connection between ELVIS and Elvis Tucker?
Great Post Mona. The Picture was give to the Judge and I by Jettie Tucker Dulaney before she died. When we visited Woodrow and Jettie they were kind enough to share pictures as well as stories. One story was about them the Union stealing their corn. I will get you the information, If you dont have it, in case you would like to do a follow up post. I was very disappointed that you could not pull Gilbert Dulaney into this connection. I guess your slipping. LOL
Without a doubt, I am never less than astounded by your posts. LOL
I think you and Don are trying to keep us all hooked on this blog.. and doing a fine job of it.
Great post, very interesting. Thanks for sharing it.
I've nominated you for the "One Lovely Blog" award.
The birth date I have for Elvis Tucker is 1915 while Jesse Dee Presley was born in 1896.
That's a good question about the name Elvis - I'm not sure how common a name it was in Itawamba County. I've run across it now and then.
picture is of jim dulaney and monroe tucker , elvis tuckers father. monroe tucker married alsie belle dulaney. r beasley
R Beasley - that's make much more sense - Monroe Tucker and Jim Dulaney were about the same age, not Elvis Tucker. Should have caught that one!
monroe and alsie belle had 7 children jettie(my grandmother) elvis,burgess,rc,ester(sherfield),albon,and martha(wallace/vaugn) r beasley
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