The landing at Barrs Ferry served both the town of Smithville as well as the citizens of southern Itawamba County. It was the responsibility of Itawamba County's board of supervisors (then known as the police board) to establish and maintain ferries, and they in turn authorized private citizens to operate the ferries, which were generally flat-bottomed and square-ended boats. Supposedly, it was a Major Barr who established the ferry and operated it until the 1880s, thus the name Barrs Ferry.
In 1919 Congress authorized construction of a bridge which was a wood-decked trestle bridge completed around 1922. This bridge apparently was used until about 1940, and for the following fifteen years, southern Itawamba County was cut off from Smithville, in Monroe County, until a new bridge was built around 1953.
The only way citizens of Peaceful Valley and Cardsville could get to Smithville was by way of the bridge at Ironwood Bluff, then down Highway 25 to Smithville. If the water was out across Ironwood Bluff, and it often was during rainy season, then folks had to go a bit further by crossing the bridge at Beans Ferry near Tilden. Having a bridge at Barrs Ferry reduced travel time on rough, gravel roads (even Highway 25 was gravel) by about twenty minutes or longer for the Pennington and Sloan families living at Peaceful Valley.
According to the newspaper article below, the idea for a new bridge across Barrs Ferry originated with the Smithville Lions Club, and six weeks later the bridge was in place! Supervisors from both counties got on board for the project along with citizens of Peaceful Valley and local lumber companies. Fessie Pennington, my grandfather, and his uncle, Joe Blake, collected money for nails and other incidental expenses. Fessie, Uncle Joe and others also cut logs and hauled them to the lumber mill for use on the bridge.
Following a dedication ceremony, Fessie held a fish fry for all participants and contributors.
You will have to click on the image of the newspaper clipping to get a better look, but these gentlemen are standing on the newly built Barrs Ferry bridge. Fessie is standing third from the right.

Tomorrow: the rest of the story.
Come on, Mona! Your mom isn't sprawled on the hood of the car - she is seductively posed!! If you and your best buddy friends didn't pose on every new looking clean car hood in town, what did you do for fun, huh? Oh, that was a given when I was a teen! We had a standing time to meet every Sat. afternoon for our cherry coke float at "our special drug store", then we walked up and down the streets as a group spotting a car we had never plunked our behinds on to have our picture taken until it was time to go home to get ready for our date, or we just went home for supper.
I suspect all small towns are the same - not much to do on a warm Sat. afternoon if you think you are too old for Sat. afternoon shoot 'em ups (so what did your generation call the Sat. afternoon westerns?) We weren't old enough to drive, so we'd walk "this side of the street", then cross over and walk back on the other side of the street. Sometimes, we just turned around and go in reverse to make sure we didn't miss that "cute boy" we saw - maybe it was to be sure he hadn't failed to see us. LOL bettye
Lookin' good , Jean !! Nice car, too !! The golden fifties ..
Wow, MaJean. So gamine!
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